Location: Cambridge, CAMBS, United Kingdom

Friday, May 12, 2006

My brush with fame on MTV

Taking a break from the Pet Shop Boys for a split second, I want to relay my brush with fame. :)

For 50 days at the end of 2003 beginning of 2004, I was on Total Request Live on MTV. How you may ask? I'm shown in the crowd scenes of Clay Aiken's music video "Invisible".

Clay's official RCA site had a thing where if you wanted to be in the video, you called a number, left a message and they would let you know if you were picked or not. IIRC, it was supposed to be for the first 200 fans. Anyway, I received a call saying I was due in LA the next day to be in Clay's video! My call time was 1pm. I was very excited.

I got to Hollywood and Highland and saw a very big stage set up and Clay up on the stage. It was only 9am and they were filming the professional extras first. I hung out til they wanted the fans and off we went.

We filmed take after take for about 5 hours. I somehow managed to get to the equivalent of about three rows back from the stage on the right side (as I was looking at the stage from the audience). I remember Clay taking my hand a few times during takes. It was very exciting being a part of it.

After the shoot, I was drenched from head to toe with sweat. It was October in Los Angeles after all.

In the finished product, I can be seen in the video 6 times. Look for me in the crowd shots, left hand side, looking out from the stage.

So, even though you have to look really quickly to see me (tall blonde with a white t-shirt), it's a lot of fun to be part of a retired TRL video on MTV.

Here's a screenshot of me in Invisible. It was the best I could get, considering I'm only seen for a split second. :)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Blogger Rose said...

Thanks for sharing your experience. Now I'm going to have to look for you in the video!

12:36 PM  
Blogger The ConCLAYve-Nan said...

Wow - that is so exciting. I didn't know that. Now you have to find a way to get a screen shot so we can see! Thanks for sharing.

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fun!! I remember that day like it was yesterday. Damn... time sure does fly when you're havin' fun!


12:27 AM  

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