The best movie of 1987...
is It Couldn't Happen Here starring Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe better known as the Pet Shop Boys. It is a surreal day in the life of PSB on their way to a gig. Featuring songs of their first two albums, Please and Actually, it's just a great movie.
They did not write the movie, but it is still very well written. Neil and Chris run into a myriad of different characters against the soundtrack of their songs. They revisit their youth, dine on oysters in a greasy spoon and are stalked by a murderous hitchhiker.
I remember paying about $70 for this movie on VHS and having to special order it from Blockbuster. I don't watch it much anymore because my copy is wearing out. I am trying to find another new copy at the moment.
If you're a fan of the Pet Shop Boys, you will love this movie.
Related Tags: Pet Shop Boys
They did not write the movie, but it is still very well written. Neil and Chris run into a myriad of different characters against the soundtrack of their songs. They revisit their youth, dine on oysters in a greasy spoon and are stalked by a murderous hitchhiker.
I remember paying about $70 for this movie on VHS and having to special order it from Blockbuster. I don't watch it much anymore because my copy is wearing out. I am trying to find another new copy at the moment.
If you're a fan of the Pet Shop Boys, you will love this movie.
Related Tags: Pet Shop Boys
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